Wushu in Olympic Games

News from BCCMA - January 1999

International Olympic Committee Press Release - July 1999
The Olympic Charter
Chinese "People Daily News" newspaper publications
25/01/1999 - News, published by British Council for Chinese Martial Arts

The IWUF's application for Chinese Martial Arts to be recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was prepared in Hong Kong in November 1998. The IWUF was accepted into membership of the General Assembly for International Sports Federations (GAISF) in 1995, which is the first step. The second step to reach the criteria set by the IOC is to have Wushu represented in a minimum of 73 countries, spanning 4 continents.

At the 4th World Wushu Championships and Congress held in Italy 1997, it was reported that the IWUF have 78 countries in membership, spanning all continents (Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Oceanic States). Mr Ray Smith and Peter Warr met the Sports Minister of China, Mr. Wu Shaozu, who is also President of the IWUF and Chinese Olympic Committee, to prepare the final step; the letter of Application to the IOC of which Mr Smith had a great input. The application will be considered at a IOC meeting in early 1999. We have to wait for a final decision that Chinese Martial Arts will become recognised as an Olympic Sport.

International Olympic Committee Press Release
Week 25, 21 june - 27 june 1999


During the 109th IOC Session in Seoul, the IOC Executive Board announced the definitive recognition of: the World Karate Federation (FMK), the International Chess Federation (FIDE), and the World Bridge Federation (WBF). This brings the total number of Recognised Federations to 30, seven being provisional.

The Tug of War International Federation (TWIF) and the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) received provisional recognition as International Recognised Federations.

as IF
The Olympic Charter

Article 29

29. Recognition of the IFs.

In order to promote the Olympic Movement, the IOC may recognize as IFs international non-governmental organizations administering one or several sports at world level and encompassing organizations administering such sports at national level. The recognition of IFs newly recognized by the IOC shall be provisional for a period of two years or any other period fixed by the IOC Executive Board. At the end of such period, the recognition shall automatically lapse in the absence of definitive confirmation given in writing by the IOC. As far as the role of the IFs within the Olympic Movement is concerned, their statutes, practice and activities must be in conformity with the Olympic Charter. Subject to the foregoing, each IF maintains its independence and autonomy in the administration of its sport.


Article 52

52. Sports Programme, Admission of Sports, Disciplines and Events

The IOC establishes the programme of the Olympic Games, which only includes Olympic Sports.

1 Olympic Sports included in the Programme of the Olympic Games

1.1 To be included in the programme of the Olympic Games, an Olympic sport must conform to the following criteria:

1.1.1 only sports widely practised by men in at least seventy-five countries and on four continents, and by women in at least forty countries and on three continents, may be included in the programme of the Games of the Olympiad;

1.1.2 only sports widely practised in at least twenty-five countries and on three continents may be included in the programme of the Olympic Winter Games;

1.1.3 sports are admitted to the programme of the Olympic Games at least seven years before specific Olympic Games in respect of which no change shall thereafter be permitted.

Chinese "People Daily News" newspaper publications

These links are taken from Lisa Nguyen wushu page
  • 21/06/1999
    Wushu Enters Olympics...Looking towards 2008!
  • 18/06/1999
    International Olympic Committee Officially Recognizes the International Wushu Federation!!